Microdermabrasion Treatment for Face and Eyebrow - SkillsPortal.sg

Certificate in Micro-Pigmentation Treatment ( ITEC )


  • $1,500.00
    Unit price per 


 Course Content


Enhance Appearance using Micro Pigmentation Treatment Students will enhance the client’s appearance using micropigmentation – to include consultation, skin and hair analysis, carrying out relevant test prior to treatment, recognizing contraindications and contra actions, treating different areas including eyes, brow and lips and adapting the treatment to the client’s specific needs


All treatment evidence, internal assessments, and underpinning knowledge must be completed prior to the final practical examination.

The final external practical examination will be carried out by the external examiner at the end of the period of learning. The external examiner will also verify a sample of the treatment evidence and internal assessment.

Table 2

Unit code

Mandatory units




Management of health, safety and

security in the salon

Portfolio  of



Pass  or Refer


Enhance appearance using micro-

pigmentation treatment



Pass  60%-74%

Merit 75%-89%

Distinction 90%-100%

Portfolio  of



Pass or Refer


Pass  60%-74%

Merit 75%-89%

Distinction 90%-100%

Unit specifications and additional supporting material for this qualification can be found on the iTEC website.

Grading of the qualification

Learners must achieve a Pass grade or higher in the requisite number of units as specified in the

rules of combination, see table 1 above. Only mandatory units which are graded

Pass/Merit/Distinction will contribute to the overall grade.

Practical examinations and theory examinations will be graded Pass/Merit/Distinction.

Portfolio of evidence containing the following will be graded Pass/Fail:

·Treatment evidence


The overall qualification is graded Pass/Merit/Distinction.

Grade boundaries for units and the overall calculation for the qualification grade are open to annual review.Following this review, these boundaries and overall calculations can be adjusted by VTCT.This review and possible change within a qualification are to ensure the standard of the qualification grade is upheld throughout the qualification's lifecycle.

  1. Theory examination

All theory tests must be conducted in a controlled environment and follow the procedures defined ensuring the examination can operate seamlessly by organising the process as defined in the

Practical examination

Once all aspects of the mandatory units have been completed,learners will be expected to complete using the internal assessment forms. These must be handed to the external examiner on the day of the final external practical examination.

All practical assessments must be conducted in a controlled environment defined by VTCT (ITEC).

responsible for ensuring the examination can operate seamlessly by organising the process as

The marking criteria and marking scheme can be found under the documents tab within the


Portfolio of evidence

Learners are required to provide a portfolio of evidence containing treatments and/or case studies that they have performed on clients during their training under the supervision of the lecturer who will monitor the quality of the treatments in order to ensure that they meet the criteria.

· The criteria are detailed on the treatment evidence guidance forms

·The learner will need to complete a client consultation form as evidence that they performed the required number of treatments during their training (see Table 1) as they form part of the internal assessment for the qualification. They can be stored in the learner's portfolio

Learners are required to provide assignments under the supervision of the lecturer who will monitor the quality of the assignments in order to ensure that they meet the criteria.

The criteria are detailed on the assignment guidance forms and form part of the internal assessment for the qualification



Course Fees : $1500 ( Including Exam Fees ) ( Paynow ) 


Additional Info

Course start Date: Every mon and/or sat
Class time: 9am-6pm

Course Duration : 10 days 


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