Gem and Jewellery Trade Secrets
Start your journey at the source of gemmology: learn about gemstone origins, see how gems are mined and how these extraordinarily valuable minerals get to market. Learn about gemmology quality and value factors for all types of gems, from Diamonds to Coloured Stones, Phenomenal gems, Organics to Jade.
This comprehensive course gives you the knowledge and power to take control of your gem purchases (if you are a collector or enthusiast) or your sales process (if you are a designer or jewelry professional). Beyond the common trade practices, you will see and learn about imitations, synthetics and treatments sometimes used to enhance or even to deceive.
Course outline
GT101 Coloured Gems - The Earth's Natural Wonders
GT102 Factors Affecting the Value of Coloured Gems
GT103 Diamonds, the 4 C's & Beyond
GT104 Natural Diamonds, Simulants & Synthetics
GT105 Pearls: Natural, Cultured & Imitation
GT106 Assessing Pearl Value
GT107 Phenomenal Gemstones
GT108 Jade and Jade Imitations
GT109 Organic Gems
GT110 Summary, Testing & Next Steps
- 3-5 weeks
- Blended & E learning
JDMIS runs week-day, weekend, and weeknight courses for this popular course. JDMIS also has flexible make-up schedules and graduates can return without cost for refresher courses (subject to availability).
Full Course Fee
- SGD 1530
Course Fees
Full Course Fee
SGD 1530
Additional Info
Course Method of Training : Blended Online Classroom / Full Online Training
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