Creative Hairstyling
Course Content
Creative Hairstyling Course aims to teach you the different effective methods to create soft, airy and nicely plaited hairstyles. It instructs you about backcombing and brushing basics, hair parting techniques, curl and freestyle curl techniques, and different use of hairstyle tools, accessories, and products to become an expert in this field. This course teaches you how to create different hair designs and use plaits to create unique hairstyles.
Course Content
1. The physical structure of hair
2. Physical properties of hair
3. The principle of hairstyling
4. Creating volume of the hair
5. Tools and Material for Hairstyling
6. Different Types of Plaited Hair
7. Procedure of Hairstyling
8. Placement of bridal veils and ornaments
9. Dummy Head Practicing
• Curl hair to create volume
• Basic Plait
• Dutch Plait
• Fishtail Plait
• Waterfall Plait
• Rope Plait
10. Dummy Head Practicing
• 6 Hairstyling Design and one traditional "Kua" hairstyling
11. Live Model Practical on one look
3 Day Course
Course Fees : $450 ( Paynow Payable)
Model is required on the 3rd of the course at 2.30pm
Course Fees
Course Fees : $450 ( Paynow Payable)
Utap Claimable