Course Objectives
1: Introduction to Chinese Medicine and Meridian Theory
Overview of Chinese medicine principles
Understanding the concept of Qi and its role in health
Introduction to the Jing Luo (meridian) system
Exploring the twelve primary meridians and their functions
2: The Five Elements and Meridian Pathways
Overview of the Five Elements theory
Understanding the relationship between meridians and organ systems
- Mapping the pathways of the twelve primary meridians
- Identifying acupressure points along the meridians
3: Techniques of Meridian Massage
Introduction to meridian massage techniques
Acupressure: principles and application
Palpation skills for locating meridian points
Hands-on practice of basic meridian massage sequences
4: Balancing Qi Flow
Recognizing signs of Qi imbalance
Techniques for promoting Qi flow along the meridians
Addressing common health concerns through meridian massage
Case studies and practical demonstrations
5: Advanced Meridian Massage Techniques
Deepening massage techniques for specific meridians
Incorporating stretching and mobilization into meridian massage
Tailoring treatments to individual client needs
Ethical considerations and professional practice guidelines
6: Integrating Meridian Massage into Practice
Developing treatment plans based on meridian diagnosis
Client consultation and assessment skills
Creating a holistic approach to health and wellness
- Review, assessment, and certification
Course Fees
Course Fees: $770 ( Paynow )
Additional Info
4 Days